Teach Your Child How To Think, Not What To Think.

Our goal is simple - help parents raise their kids into thoughtful adults who are able to make informed decisions about the world around them. We want you to feel confident knowing that your child will grow up with the tools they need for success in school and beyond.

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Our Work In Critical Thinking Has Been Proudly Featured In:

How Do You Raise Your Kids To Be Critical Thinkers?

Critical thinking is a skill that every child needs to develop in order to succeed in school and life.  But many parents don't know how to talk about critical thinking with their children, or they are unsure of what questions to ask.  Kids need opportunities for dialogue at home so they can practice these skills and learn the value of critical thinking.

Raising Critical Thinkers offers tools, resources and support designed specifically for helping parents have conversations with their kids about important topics such as values & ethics, science & technology, politics, social issues, and more.  Our goal is to help parents teach their kids how to think critically so they feel empowered when faced with challenges beyond the classroom or dinner table.

The Why:

Parents and families, more now than ever,  MUST recognize, value, and leverage their power to support critical thinking development in their children. However, families today are becoming increasingly overwhelmed by the enormity of their responsibilities.

The How:

Raising Critical Thinkers provides quick, easy-to-use resources and digital materials that every caregiver can fit into their busy schedules.

Lay a strong foundation for your kids so that you know they can grapple with anything that comes their way in school and life.

  • As parents, we want to raise critical thinkers who are able to think for themselves and make good decisions in life.
  • Unfortunately, the world is full of misinformation that can get kids confused about important issues.
  • Raising Critical Thinkers helps you have conversations with your kids at home so they will be better prepared in school and life.

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What Is Raising Critical Thinkers?

Teaching Materials That Make It Easy To Help Parents Their Kids Learn Critical Thinking

Probing Discussion Cards That Provoke Problem Solving Skills & Conversation

Your Annual Subscription Includes Effective Critical Thinking Teaching Tools & Resources For Use At Home and On The Go!

Raising Critical Thinkers includes everything you need, with all materials easily accessible via thinkPortal, to help you:

  • Introduce and Nurture Your Kid's Critical Thinking Skills
  • Invoke Curiosity
  • Enhance Creativity
  • Improve Problem Solving Ability
  • Encourage Independence
  • And So Much More!

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Access to Raising Critical Thinkers Via thinkPortal

Busy parents need lesson planning to be fast and easy. On thinkPortal's easy to use dashboard, you can find newly released content, and all the Raising Critical Thinkers resources for parents and families. Each lesson page provides detail and makes it easy to download the materials you need. 

Comprehensive Teaching Materials & Support

Your included teaching materials leave nothing to chance. Receive jam-packed PDFs, helpful biweekly emails and above & beyond support to help you create engaging family discussions and critical thinking conversations.

Probing Discussion Cards For Engaging Conversation Starters

Receive twelve sets of discussion cards to help you bring critical thinking on-the-go in a variety of situations. Each set contains 24 cards with over 288 probing questions designed to keep your conversations going.


thinkLaw scenario recourses are quick two-page activities. Each activity centers on a real-life legal case or current event. Scenarios conclude with a few probing questions for additional discussion.


Games are a great way to incorporate critical thinking in a fun and easy way. These thinkLaw card games can involve the whole family!


Raising Critical Thinkers activities are longer materials that may take between 20 and 30 minutes to complete. Similar to thinkLaw classroom lessons, kids are introduced to a scenario or legal case and asked to analyze using law school critical thinking strategies. 

Adulting 101

Raising Critical Thinkers Adulting 101 includes a series of activities that provide families the opportunity to grapple with and discuss real-word information and scenarios our kids need to know.

New Resources Every Month

Every month you’ll see new lessons and engaging discussion scenarios in your thinkPortal that are focused on a wide variety of thought provoking topics to improve critical thinking.


Parent Community 

Get access to our vibrant community of like-minded parents who are all raising critical thinkers at home.  Share resources, ideas and tips, get support and make lasting connections with with other parents passionate about helping their kids become great thinkers.

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What Our Users Are Saying:

I absolutely recommend this - its an easy way to have to have a "real" (not a what would happen if Godzilla and Mothra combined to make a super titan?) conversation but one that allows each person to reveal a little bit of themselves in a conversational way.

Julia S. - Parent


Thought out and extremely easy to follow.  All the materials needed are provided.

Jennifer - Parent


The biggest benefit so far from using Raising Critical Thinkers is being able to have deeper conversations and challenging my child to think about answers.  I love seeing them work through their thought process and explain their reasoning.  Would I recommend this? Yes, absolutely! The topics are current to today's events and helps kids and parents think about the why of their opinion.

Leanne B. - Parent

It is has provided a way for my husband and I to challenge our teenager's thinking over non-hot button issues, so those hot button issues are being discussed more calmly.

Sherry - Parent

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Frequently Asked Questions

What Age/Grades Is This Most Appropriate For?

Raising Critical Thinkers is perfect for mid-elementary through middle school but can also be adapted for use with all other ages.

How Is This Different from the thinklaw curriculum?

The lessons included in Raising Critical Thinkers are not full lessons as they are in the full thinkLaw curriculum and do not include powerpoints. They are designed to be shorter activities that can be used on the go or in under 20 minutes!

Are The Materials Available In Other Languages?

Yes!  All of the Raising Critical Thinkers resources are currently also available in Spanish.

Don't Hesitate, Get Started With Raising Critical Thinkers Today!

Raising Critical Thinkers includes everything you need to

help you introduce and nurture critical thinking skills in your kids.

About Us

Raising Critical Thinkers exists to create a world where critical thinking is no longer a luxury good. We help parents and educators teach critical thinking to all students because rote memorization and spoon-fed learning will not prepare our young people for the rapidly changing society and workforce that awaits them. 

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